Message from Vice President for Student Affairs, Professor Joseph Shepherd, regarding the passing of Max Wang, class of 2019.
Memorial details:
October 12, 2019 | Service 10am | Reception 11am
512 W Duarte Rd, Arcadia, CA 91007
Additional information can be found here.
If you wish to send a note of condolence or memory to Max's mother, Ms. Jennifer Xu, please send to the following address:
Ms. Jennifer Xu
c/o Caltech
MC 1-8
Pasadena, CA 91125
Student Wellness Services, the undergraduate deans, the Center for Diversity, and residential life staff are holding drop-in hours in addition to all regular programs in order to provide space for folks to get support:
If you are concerned about a student's well-being, please submit a CARE referral, or contact the relevant deans' office or counseling for a consultation about how to connect folks with support.
Counseling Services
1239 Arden Road | Monday – Friday 8am-5pm | 626-395-8331
After hours: Call 626-395-8331, press "2" to be connected to a clinician
Drop-in Hours: Monday 9/30 – Thursday 10/3, 3-5pm – No appointment needed
Let's Talk: Friday 10/4, 3-4:30pm at Jorgensen 126 – No appointment needed
Undergraduate Deans
2nd Floor Center for Student Services | 626-395-6351
Office Hours:
- Tuesday 10/1, 10am-12pm
- Wednesday 10/2, 2pm-4pm
- Thursday 10/3, 10am-12pm
- Friday 10/4, 2pm-4pm
No appointment needed
Center for Diversity
2nd Floor Center for Student Services | 626-395-6207
Office Hours:
- Tuesday 10/1, 1pm-6pm
- Wednesday 10/2, 10am-12pm and 3pm-6pm;
- Thursday 10/3, 1pm-6pm
No appointment needed